1. Which of the following statements are useful visual radiators?
Wall of frame to recognize the associates.
Key failurepoints and important rules & regulations on digital/whiteboard to keep the associates aware and alert
key events and happening on digital display/whiteboard to keep the associates informed
All of the Above (Ans)
2. Which of the following is not a benefit of visualization of work?
Reduced inflow of work items (Ans)
Reduced status reporting overhead
Quick identification of blocked items
Reduced cycle time of work item
3.What is the most effective way to identify improvement opportunities for Valuelog?
Automation team analyzes work items and identifies improvement opportunities
Performance Improvement (PI) Champion performs Value Stream Mapping and identifies improvement opportunities
Every Team member constantly questions. "Is there a better way to do our work?",and identifiesimprovement opportunities (Ans)
Team members wait for the management to set up ideation events and then identify improvement opportunities
4. Which of the following is not true about Value Maximization Scrum?
Composition of scrum can change for each sprint depending on the Value Log opportunities selected for that sprint
BAU remains the top priority and the team works on the value log opportunities without impacting BAU
scrum teams members full time everyday on the value log opportunities (Ans)
scrum teams members make a little time everyday to work on value log opportunities