Do you want to become a Python developer but don't know where to start?

Here in this post I will show you everything you need to know to become a python developer.
1.Code Editors (select any one)
       -  VSCode.
       -  Sublime Text.
       -  PyCharm.
       -  Atom.
       - Juypter Notebook.
       - Google Colab.

2. Python Basics
       -   How Python Works
       -   Python Interpreter
         Running Python Code
       -   Data Types and their Operations and                use.                    
       -   Numbers, Operators, Operator                         Precedence.
       -   Variables
       -   Type Conversion
       -    Indentation
       -    Logical Operators
       -   Conditionals - If, Else, Else if,                              Truthy,  Falsey
       -   Loops: for, while, loop control
       -   statements (break, continue, etc)
       -   Functions: scope, parameters,                           arguments, return
      -    Built-in Functions
      -    Commenting: single-line, multi-line,                docstrings

3.Advanced Python Consepts:
  -   OOP(object oriented programming)
  -  Classes
  -    Methods
  -    Inheritance
  -   Functional Programming
  -   Lambda Functions
  -    Map, filter, zip, reduce
  -    Errors
  -    Error Handling: try, except
  -    File I/O
  -   Testing, unittest
  -   Import
  -   Modules
  -   Packages
  -   Pip
  -  Virtual Environments
  -   Debugging